When you demonstrate your commitment by signing up for an automatic reoccurring gift -- no matter the size -- you become a member of "I AM TCM" and an integral part of Taking Christ to Millions.
Members of the "I AM TCM" Program will receive:
One free ministry resource a year
You are a part of our mission and because our mission is equipping disciple makers, we want to also help equip you. So, you will be able to choose one free ministry resource each year you are an "I AM TCM" member. The resources consist of different books on leadership, impactful movies, and other TCM branded items.
Access to our online resources
At TCM, we conduct numerous ministry classes taught by well-known professors throughout the U.S.A. and Europe. We will give you a password to have online access to many of those lectures and teachings so you, too, can benefit from ministry training courses just like our international students overseas.