25 Years of Dedication

06 MAY 2019

TCM International Institute hosted its 25th graduation service at the Stift Heilegenkreuz Austria on Sunday May 5, 2019. Forty-eight graduates from 19 countries earned diplomas this academic year.

TCM President Tony Twist stated “This graduation is a celebration of disciple making throughout the nation’s of the world. We are grateful for this celebration. This is the largest number of graduates TCM has ever had in one year”. As each graduate received his or her diploma from President Twist, he encouraged each recipient with this statement “This diploma is being conferred for our Lord and His Kingdom’s sake!”

Dr. Meego Remmel of Estonia a TCM graduate and professor, who is also a church planter, pastor, and a leader in the Christian church movement throughout Europe, became the first TCM graduate to deliver a TCM commencement address.

Currently TCM has over 1,500 students from more than 40 nations enrolled in either its Master of Arts or Master of Divinity courses of study.

David Wright, Vice President of Ministry Operations.